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Showing posts from August, 2012

Twirling in Sunset

 We have finally arrived! All year we have talked about getting away.  We have talked to friends over dinners of our elaborate plans involving months away in Europe or the Tropics...  me taking cooking lessons in Paris.  Mr. Urban making his way across France reading books and tasting wines.  Our Girl picking up foreign languages and cultures, poised and pleasant after long plane rides. That had been the plan, but life had plans of its very own for us.  Plans that left us utterly incapable of making one more plan!  When the time came to plan a get away, we thought about what is the easiest, most relaxing, and least maintenance ticket out of town.... Three clicks later, we ended up at our favorite resort in Maui. The days are unstructured and truly relaxing. Swimming. Lounging.  Kayaking.  Lounging. Long Breakfasts.  Taking the time to lather on generous amounts of coconut moisturizer.  Playing on the sand.  Sipping tropical juices on ice while lounging.  Having picnic

Summer Time Blessings

We've had a whirlwind year so far.  Involved in all kinds of activities that apparently increase stress hormones.  Activities that seem benign at first as they are all generally related to merry events.  Activities that people congratulate you for embarking upon.  Moving.  All day long Nausea.  Getting things into and out of storage.  Dealing with plumbers, roofers, and all kinds of other subcontractors.  Dizziness.  Awful Spring Allergies.  Asbestos, Lead, VOCs....  Complete loss of self control over consumption of Carbohydrates.  And Fats.  Retrofitting all things 2012 into 1950's architectural styles.  With all this blessing, some how you end the day, wondering why you feel so utterly exhausted! And as you sit on the couch, your mind neither here nor there, glimpses of the day pass by your mind's eyes  and  you thank God for tiny princesses, colorful beads and jewelry making, tea parties, summer fruits, arts and crafts, painting bird houses, grand parents