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Showing posts from April, 2015

Reaping Pleasure from the Days

Some days ago I decided to sign up for a mailing list where one of my favorite authors would send me a daily note on parenting. I have loved the anticipation of finding the name of this author in my mailbox each day.  I check for the email in the midst of the morning hustle and bustle and just seeing the email gives me a little jolt of excitement. A little later in the day, I sit down to really take in the beautifully crafted note.  They are short.  And idyllic.  And so far, I have been rather challenged by them to tell you the truth.    For example, the other day it asked me to set up a week of "extreme nice" where you don't tell your children anything resembling the words NO, Don't, Hurry Up, Now, WHY DID YOU... you get the drift.   I tried it for a day and my tongue has permanent tooth marks etched on it from the number of times I bit it.  I figure, a week of "extreme nice" needs to be planned for a perfect week.   One with tons of eager adult he