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Showing posts from March, 2014

I smell Newness...

Persians love Hyacinths.  Their smell moves them, to somewhere beyond now... most probably to a time around a cherished childhood New Year memory..  Hyacinths are middle eastern natives.  And they are just as much a part of Persian New Year as Pine trees are a part of Christmas celebration. I love the smell and look and color of Hyacinths and was thrilled to find them peaking out of every little pot in the yard a couple of weeks ago...  dozens of beautiful violet and white and pink Hyacinths....   and with the rain, you could smell them every time you stepped outside.   Mr. Urban had quietly planted them last year with the Urban Little Girl, as a surprise to come Springtime... And this morning, as I walked towards the kitchen, there was an overwhelming smell... like someone had left the windows open all night....  every small vase and vintage milk bottle was filled... L is for the way you look at me O is for the only one I see V is very, very extra ordinary E is