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Happy Mother's Day to All the Mommies...

"Every Object, Every Being is a Jar Full of Delight" Rumi

It’s been busy busy around here.

Last Sunday with the help of some lovely ladies, we celebrated the coming of a new baby girl. Nothing seems more elegant than cupcakes, pretty dresses, a glowing mama to be, and touches of pink everywhere....

The next day, Mr. Urban left us for a week in Washington, D.C. My dad arrived the same day for a week with the Urban girls... We had a grand time drinking coffee at the best cafes around us, eating (not at home of course), shopping, chit chatting and laughing at all the things the Urban Baby said and did (some of which we shouldn't really have been laughing at). She was hugged and kissed to the brink of suffocation by grandpa, just for her to ask for "More".

I got some lessons in gardening and we planted two new pots of beautiful baby lavenders. I have always wanted those! He even accompanied us to the shops so I can get new summery accessories for our living room, while he is certainly not a shopping type of guy, especially not for any kind of accessories. Each morning I noticed new rolls of paper towels, boxes of garbage bags, soap and other house hold goodies suddenly appearing in the kitchen. And with every passing day something little around the house was fixed. The week flew by. So much of what I wanted to do seemed to stay untouched. And before we knew it I was driving him back to the airport. We kept our goodbyes short. Quick hugs and kisses. Of course he waited outside the airport for us to leave. And when I could no longer see him in my rear view mirror, I cried.

Finally our much missed Mr. Urban came back on Friday night. The three of us celebrated with a large pizza and many many hugs and kisses. And as such Mother's Day Weekend was off to a beautiful start: French Music, Pink Polka Dot Dresses, Beautiful Flowers, Fine Baked Goods, Long Naps, Cafe Hopping, Good Movie, Home Made French Fries... Jars and Jars and Jars full of delight... I am giddy and grateful...


  1. I wish that every single day of your life be full of joy and laughter my wonderful talented friend.... I love reading your blog azizam. xoxo

  2. Thank you Sahar joon! Hope you had a lovely day with your 3 men :)


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