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Savour it while it lasts...

As our days are getting shorter and shorter to enjoy all that we love about Autumn, here are a couple of delicious ideas for  some wonderful fall weekend eats. 

Last week when my parents were in town, I found some heirloom tomatoes at the market.  With them I made my own version of a Tabouleh salad, called the Urban Fall Harvest Tabouleh.  To complement the salad, I also made The Pioneer Woman's super easy Baba Ghanoush recipe, which at the time I served with a Levin bread, but yesterday I noticed my favorite bakery, Mayfield, has all kinds of beautiful fall breads like the walnut-onion-Rosemary baguette which would probably be even better with it.

The meal paired great with Sierra Nevada's limited quantity Harvest Ale, which was showcased as a seasonal beer at Whole Foods.

Try these recipes my friends,  and then sit back with your cold beer and soak in the compliments...
Urban Fall Harvest Tabouleh

This is not the completed look - I forgot to take a picture of that

1 cup whole wheat couscous
A little more than 3/4 of a cup boiling water
1 pint fresh Heirloom tomatoes 
2 bunches of flat-leaf parsley
2 sprigs of fresh mint
3 green onions
1/4 cup roasted salted marcona almonds
2 lemons
olive oil
Salt and Pepper

Mix the couscous with the boiling water in a smallish bowl, add salt, pepper and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.  Cover and let stand for 5 minutes.  Fluff the couscous with a work.  Dice the tomatoes into bite size pieces - I like it chunky, so if your tomatoes are the size of grape tomatoes, just cut them in half.  Roughly chop the parsley, the green onions, the mint, and the almonds.  Toss all the ingredients into a large bowl along with the juice of the lemons, and a few tablespoons of olive oil, salt and paper. 

The Pioneer Woman's Baba Ghanoush Recipe

For that please go here.  But before you go, let me tell you about a few of my preferences.  I only add one clove of garlic as I find it fresher tasting.   Also, I roast the eggplant in the oven at 400 degrees, by cutting them in half, brushing the tray with olive oil, and placing the cut side down, pricking their skins with a fork, and roasting them for 30 to 40 minutes until the skin is crispy and deflated and the meat is thoroughly cooked. Let it cool and then scoop out the meat with a spoon and the follow the Pioneer Woman's recipe.    You will fall in love!   


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