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Meet my new friend Pandora

One of the things that makes my relationship with my Mr. Urban wonderfully cozy is that we usually genuinely enjoy the same things. 

And where we have dissimilar interests, we really enjoy hearing about the other persons interests and pursuits du jour over a good cup of coffee or glass of wine or sometimes late at night... 

So, even though I would never make time for Jonah Lehrer, Malcolm Gladwell, Dostoevsky, Plato, or John Stewart (although he has an infinitely higher chance of persuading me to make time for him than the others mentioned) in my overly busy life,  I absolutely love hearing about their work through the mouth of my beloved Mr. Urban. 

He is a great story teller.  And an excellent teacher.

BUT, there is a limit to all things wonderful.  And although my Mr. Urban's third greatest love of all time is  Technology, I feel that I am often an unsatisfying partner in that department for him. 

I mean I am not rigid or anti technology.  I did switch to Google for him years ago.   I use Amazon and  And I did meet him as a result of online technology... (another story)

But there are days that he looks over at me with a twinkle in his eyes, a sway in his torso, offering to get me the latest Ipad or Iphone or Kindle, sounding as though he is offering diamonds... and all he gets in return is an uncomfortable chuckle. 

How could I ever forgo books?  I love turning pages, its my thing.  I love the smell of paper. I love worrying about running out of room in our book case. 

And why would I keep my appointments in anything other than on good paper bound inside a leather cover? As I write this I see how environmentally unfriendly it all must be,  but I must be saving on the over use of wireless energy which surely also is damaging to the environment... RIGHT???? 

And what about texting?   Is that technology ever going to stick?  I disabled that service on my phone years ago...

But this Mr. Urban is a shrewd and seamless negotiator... a couple of months ago a new Blu-Ray player found itself in our home, hooked up to our internet.  Mr. Urban set up a Pandora radio for me on it, although I had told him many times over the past couple of years that I didn't need a Pandora Radio.

But I am in love...  How did I ever live without Pandora before?  Pandora has brightened my life and my home.

What ever I am in the mood for, Pandora provides.  It invites people into my home that I didn't even know I would so adore visiting with. 

And the advantage of having it streamed through the DVD player is that the sound comes out of the speakers throughout the house...  I don't need to carry my laptop around when I run up to fold the laundry, you see?

As I am writing this I am listening to the most beautiful jazz holiday songs by Louis Armstrong and Tony Bennett...

If you are a "late adopter" as I am, stall no more my friends.   Get yourself or your mom or better yet, your Mr. Urban (if you want to score huge points) one of these players for Christmas...  it costs less than $150.   And getting free Pandora is just the tip of the iceberg... It can also store a ton of those pictures you don't know where to put, clean your house and babysit for you, but only if you also have a tech savvy husband that you adore, who can set it up for you....  


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