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Places You Never Thought Of Applying Neosporin To

When I was a young accountant working at a Vancouver CA (insert CPA if you are American) firm, I was introduced to various surprisingly alternative uses of duct tape by a talented, tall, blond assistant.

She was so amazingly creative with duct tape that she would somehow incorporate its use into almost all tasks assigned to her (fixing dead un-backed up laptops, torn audit bags, over-full client files, etc...)

This assistant's talents with duct tape were so extensive that legend has it, once she even duct tape a Partner to his office chair... no time thereafter she was promoted to Office Manager, got a gorgeous office with windows and began driving a red sports car to work, while the rest of us accountants, with no imagination whatsoever regarding the uses of duct tape continued to slave away in our cubicles late into the night...

And that was a very important lesson to me as a young new accountant living in the world of GAAP rules and Tax Acts: never shy away from creativity (where it's legally OK to do so).

101 uses for duct tape - I assure you this is not my child!
A few months ago, we planned a trip to Maui.  Everything was going super smoothly, beautifully, and wonderfully according to plans right up to the point of checking-in, when the UrbanToddler's car seat resting nicely atop our luggage on the luggage-cart, plummeted on to her tiny head (I won't bore you with how such a bizarre accident occurred in the first place, suffice it to say, never tell a toddler "Don't Play With The Cart Honey").

In less than an instant my excitement for our vacation was replaced with dread.  And that was even before I saw all the blood.  Fractured Skull, Head Injury, SO MUCH Blood, Stitches, Dizzy, Nausea all began flooding into my head as I sat on the ground and pulled my girl on to my lap.  

For the first time since 9-11, we finally reaped the benefits of added airport security... within a minute fire department, ambulance, and airport security had us surrounded.

In the end, we didn't cancel our trip.  All the lovely people that had rushed to our aid, assured us that the UrbanToddler had simply got a small cut on her scalp... that there is a lot of blood when you break the skin of your scalp because of all the blood vessels in that area.  And that this was nothing that a little dab of Neosporin could not fix!?! 

The UrbanToddler boarded the plane for Maui with a lollipop in her hand, a huge dab of Neosporin on her head, and all her parents' prayers for an uneventful flight at her back.

In the end Neosporin did deliver on its famous 2-Day Challenge, and all the UrbanToddler had to do was to sport an adult sized swim cap on her head (the hotel store did not carry kid size caps), which drew a lot of looks towards her cone shaped head by other hotel guests.

And all she had to say in the end was "everybody loved my bootiful pink hat, MommyDaddy"!

Never say never....


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