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American Politics and Skinny B.I.T.C.H.E.S?

I have a line up of great books for the new year that I can't wait to get started on.  All non-fiction and serious in subject matters!

I started out strong with Vice President Al Gore's bestseller The Assault On Reason, examining the state of American politics and leadership.   Never mind the fact that I am about five years too late in picking up the book.  Well, better late than never. 
In over a week, I have diligently read up to page 3 of the introduction, and I tell you, its great stuff.  Very informative.  Very interesting. 

And then yesterday, just as the UrbanToddler and I were leaving the library after our weekly retreat, 2 additional books sneaked their way to the top of the huge stack of Eric Carle books we were checking out.

Have you noticed libraries these days are masters of product placement with a stack of best sellers on one irresistible display right before check out, and another delicious looking stack of cook books or travel guides or diet books or books on whatever issues du jour  together with decorative props on another?  You just can not help yourself!

So, it was that Skinny Bitch and BossyPants made their way into my already full, already Heavy Purse.  And in the last short 24 hours, I have already read a few chapters of each.  No offence to the topic of American Democracy, but it's incredibly slow read compared to books called Skinny Bitch!  Which, by the way, just from reading 3 pages into Mr. Gore's book, this very issue seems to be at the heart of the problems with the state of US politics today...  we are all reading far too much Skinny Bitch and far too little News for the Democracy to work as it was meant to - for Free people to make Informed and Reasoned Decisions.

Dear Mr. Gore, I promise, I will get back to your important book, as soon as I can stop laughing out loud from these other literary gems...   here are a few choice quotes for your Thursday night enjoyment from Skinny Bitch:

" Of Course it's easier to socialize after a few drinks.  But being a fat pig will hinder you." 

On diet drinks:  "... aspartame enters your body, it turns into formaldehyde (which is toxic and carcinogenic).  Laboratory scientists use formaldehyde as a disinfectant... They don't f***ing drink it!"

On the importance of drinking water:  "Unless you're from Mars, you've heard about the eight glasses of water a day thing."

And I end with this quote from Tina Fay's Bossypants,  from the chapter called The Mother's Prayer for Its Daughter:

"When the Crystal Meth is offered, May she remember the parents who cut her grapes in half and stick with Beer."  AMEN.


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